Archive for the ‘reading’ Category


The first chapter of my novel.

November, 6, 2008


I have completed the first chapter of my novel. Changes may be made later but the narration will  be in similar way.

  Let me know how you find it. Would love to hear from you’all.



Coincidence or Astrology??

November, 6, 2008

I am not a believer of astrology and stars and birth charts. Somehow the logic isn’t totally convincing. For one, all the astrologers and palmists that my parents visited always said my dad a long life and he’s been gone since 7 years now. This made whatever little belief I had in them also fade away. But yes I do believe in luck and coincidence. I do read the tarot reading section for a particular newspaper as it has turned out right many a times, but i don’t live by it. In the same spirit, i also opted for a free online astrology service and while most of their mails are only advertisements and junk, the ones stating the place  and moving of planets have been right few times. The most believable part has been the mail that significantly marked the date 8thaugust in my life to bring an change, accomplishment or achieving something that will be with me for sometime and marked that 10th august will be the complete this cycle of something new. I had got my first job interview on 9th august and got selected on 10th August. I read the mail days after i got selected.

Then just yesterday when I decided that I will complete my first novel in 3 months, then i checked my mail today to find the below mail with DATES mentionedI received this mail on Monday, 3 November, 2008 8:01 PM


Dear Nidhi,

November 4th marks a new beginning with the first of five oppositions between Saturn, the planet of authority and experience, and Uranus, the maverick planet of change. From the personal to the collective, we all are faced with the need to build upon experience in some areas of life, while being flexible and open to changes in other areas. The opposition between these two planets represents one of the most important themes we will experience over the next year-and a-half. The dates for these oppositions are: November 4, 2008, February 5, 2009, September 15, 2009, April 26, 2010 and July 26, 2010.


Just observe that the mail clearly has dates November 4th, then next date is exactly 3 months after i.e February 5th and next is September 15th. So is this a coincidence?? I’m not sure at all.  If this is true then I’m guessing that my novel is going to get published by September 15th. 🙂

Motivation comes everywhere you seek it! 😉




September, 26, 2008

I need something to cheer me
to make my heart ache less
will some drinking help
no, it only makes me more fat
i thought something i don’t remember anymore
it left behind a scar and nothing more
the face i see doesn’t smile at me
eyes blank
looking for hope
searching so desperately
look around myself
what i need to fix up
my hair, my relationships or my life
its just my heart that dosen’t listen
it needs something
to comfort, to clinge onto
nothing seems to work
im searching and searching
im searching and now i know what i want
what i want is me
true and as just as me
 that smile
those hopes
those star lit eyes
what i need is just to be me
not what i think i need to be
no ‘should’ or ‘want to’
just the one i see and recognize
Being me is what makes me


Lessons out of Regrets.

September, 9, 2008

Our lives are full of good and bad. just like there is happiness there is sad. There are always two sides of the coin.

I have a good memory and more than in exams or where its needed, it usually is very sharp in terms of life and events. More particularly on mistakes. I know its good to remember your fault so you don’t repeat them. But sometimes keeping them with yourself for so long, turns them into regrets.

I did regret many of my decisions, thought they were the worst days of my life and how much ever i wished i could not get over those regrets. My sharp memory kept track of them and pricked on me with them from time to time.

So why can’t we let go of our mistakes and move on. Part of the reason maybe that you haven’t got into the same situation again, so you can choose the right path this time and know that you have corrected yourself now.

Each regret holds a lesson, but not every mistake a ‘next-time’ option. While i am still struggling with my regrets and trying to loose them, here are few thoughts that might come help when we feel like everything we did was so wrong and there’s no way we could mend it:

1. There’s always a better way to look at things.

2. You are your worst critic,so its not as bad as you think it is.

3. Learning is not always about implementing, it sometimes means keeping patience and knowing that you did learn.

4. Regrets are the negative side to a better you.

5. Regrets only keep you away from a happy you.

6. Mistakes need to be made, it makes you human.

7. Learning the lesson and letting go is what we should think of.

8. Be kind to yourself you deserve it.

9. Don’t think of what happened, think what you can do now.

10. Regret is only one side of the coin, lessons are on the other side.

11. We learn only when we accept what we did, regret is not accepting you fault.

Hope to turn to this page anytime i face my regrets. So, DON”T REGRET IT, JUST LEARN FROM IT!  🙂


How do i write???

July, 8, 2008

Hello people! need some help here, was just looking for some insight on how exactly are my writing and expressing skills. So if you’ve a little time and patience, could i get some feedback on my blogs. PS: read the Aug, Dec 07 blogs, i had lot of time to think then.

And btw I am going to write a book anyways, so why am i asking this? Coz any feedback will only make my book better. 🙂

To make this more easy you can give me rating b/w 1-10, (10 being best) on the following parameters:

a) Language

b) grammer

c) expressive

d) engrossing

e) deep and honest

f) worth being published

g) could be a writer

h) to the point

i) makes sense

j) makes reader feel connected

and here’s a subjective question:

What according you is my area of master until now. None of my writing is fiction till  now, but still what kind of stuff do you think i capture and should work on?


‘The Secret’ for all of you.

June, 26, 2008

Hello everyone reading beyond just the title of this blog. You have found ‘secret’ to find the Gennie of you life, who is going to grant every wish you have and want.

Ok let’s get to the point. I’ve been reading ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne and its really amazing. have you ever felt so strongly about yourself doing one particular/many things something wrong all the time and you actually have proof. Like for some people they keep tripping all the time and say ‘hey i trip all the time’. well you know what is that?, that’s the power of thought and believe. We think, believe and it happens.

So here are few tips from the book that will help you achieve everything you want in life:

1. Think what you want, only and always positive. No place for ‘I don’t like/want’ thoughts.

2. The universe has a force of attraction, everything thing you think, it attracts it to you.

3. The universe is you Gennie.

4. You have to ask your Gennie for what you want, receive it and believe that it is yours even before it is true.

5. Receiving is saying ‘I am receiving (you wish) now’

6. believing in what you have wished for means – you have to feel what you would feel once your wish comes true.  try to think that your wish is fulfilled and generate that feeling as often as possible.

3. your feelings reflect you thoughts.

7.If you are feeling bad – then you are sending negative thoughts to the Gennie, which will bring you back more situations to generate negative thoughts.

8. If you are feeling good – then you are sending positive thought to the Gennie and he will bring more ways to make you feel good.

9. learn to shift from feeling bad to good.

10. make a list of thoughts/memories/hobbies anything that instantly make you feel good.

11. Every time you are feeling bad, look at the list and hold onto the feeling it brings( good).

12. believe that you have received, learn to feel what you granted wish will make you feel and keep that feeling coming to you often.

13. no time limit for this secret. the stronger the believe and feeling( that your wish is already true) the faster the Gennie delivery your wishes. 🙂

14. Example: people trying to loose weight; don’t focus on ‘loosing weight’ that will simply bring more situations for you where you have to try to loose weight and that’s why diets don’t work at all. you believe that until you follow diet you are slim and when you leave it you become fat. Instead believe that ‘you aer slim and ask for a ideal weight you want’ receiveyou ideal weight,and then simply believe that your ideal weight is yours.

15. the secret, sometimes leads us to work on the wishes, sometime opens opportunities to reach the wishes and sometimes effortlessly brings them to us. how it differentiates is the Gennie’s work. all you have to do is : ask, receive and believe.

TRY IT .. maybe with something small.. could be anything… it will make you believe in truth of ‘the secret’. 🙂