Archive for March 25th, 2008


bossy types…

March, 25, 2008

Sometimes you come across the weirdest of people, they might be the best  for others but for you they’re just unwanted and unrequired troublesome creatures.

Its usually the boos types (or trying to be boss types). Now if writing about someone gives them some importance(in my life), then that’s not the case here.

Its all the buggingness that has made me write this. This female who is my senior at work but she likes to say that ‘i report to her'(gaining importance for nothing), has literally been sucking my blood. She’s a meek but arrogant and very very cunning lady. She got to be senior by all wrong means (i hear from office people coz i just joined), thinks she owns the people who work with her but are junior to her.

Here’s the biggest misconception , i don’t report to nobody, i work as a team and we are all teammates, and some are senior with experience to share and teach others and some are new learners with fresh minds and young hearts.

I think she has some inferiority problem, either she’s jealous of me (maybe because I’m better looking) or maybe young(she kina 30+, has a bad dressing sense and no sense of carrying herself), or it could be that she wants to enjoy the domination part.

But lady that’s not how work is done. The funny thing is that with all these wrong illusions and ideas she still gets away with it, coz shes very witty and smart when it comes to work. not over intelligent but managed and quick.(see i know the good things also).

But why would someone be after your life, waiting for you to make a mistake and jump on you, try to make you feel that you are wrong and not behaving well, where as you do nothing not bad to them. Oh ya i know, it because i don’t do shoe licking and i never will. The other people around her are always doing so and if i don;’t she thinks i don’t give her importance.

Its so true ‘Respect cannot be demanded but only commanded’. and I for one(few others also) have no respect for a person who doesn’t know how to command respect. i never try to impress or make personal favors to get the likeliness of seniors or people whom i can benefit from. Its all below my dignity. I can only do my work, do it good and that’s all, co-operate in work and have a good time doing what i do.

I think no matter how hard she tries to pull me down, it will only make my belief in myself stronger, because if she doesn’t want me to grow she’s scared i might out do her and it only shows that even she believes that I’m better than her, both as a person and at work too.

Cant say to her face so I’ll write it down: you unwanted and disgusting person might try to embarrass me, even might try to pull me down, magnify my mistakes and show you rule me, but all this only shows that you are a BITCH , a scared, complexity suffering, inferiority feeling, depressed and dying to get attention BITCH! and I might feel little sad for a while, maybe even get sad but then I’ll wake up to rise above your petty crap and cunningness coz cunning people might get above in the beginning but in the end only honest people win.

(Feel soo good after saying it)